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Don't Turn Away From: Gaza

Relentless bombings and siege continue across Gaza.


people have been killed since the start of war


people have been wounded since the start of war

Health care workers in Gaza, including MSF staff, have been risking their lives to provide medical care to Palestinians.

Listen to a voice note from an MSF logistician in Gaza City recorded on June 4, 2024.


MSF teams continue to provide essential medical services to Palestinians in Gaza.

But to do our job effectively, medical facilities, health care staff, and patients must be protected.

Our donors are providing a lifeline for our patients and staff, helping us save lives amid incredibly challenging circumstances.

Don't Turn Away From: Sudan

Warring parties in Sudan have inflicted horrendous violence on people since April 2023. This includes civilians, health workers and facilities alike.


patients treated for war-related wounds


surgeries performed


cases of malnutrition treated

The international humanitarian response to this catastrophe has been nowhere near what’s needed to meet the growing needs.

MSF has been able to stay in Sudan and neighboring countries to deliver desperately needed aid because of one reason: Our donors.

Don't Turn Away From: DR Congo

A resurgence of violence between armed groups in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has displaced more than 2 million people over the last two years.

In August 2024, a surge of mpox cases spread through the country, with more than 14,000 suspected cases reported. Many people have fled to overcrowded displacement camps with little to no access to food, water, or shelter.


MSF has built a water pumping and chlorination station that pumps and disinfects up to 2 million liters of potable water every day.

Our teams are also mobilizing emergency teams to respond to the mpox epidemic across the country, providing support to local health authorities. Since June, more 1,400 patients have been treated in MSF-supported facilities.

Despite these immense challenges, our teams are committed to delivering care in even the most difficult-to-reach places.

That’s because MSF supporters have generously stepped up, powering our work with their dollars and enabling us to respond at a moment’s notice.

Don't Turn Away From: Haiti

Since 2021, the people of Port-au-Prince have been struggling to survive as armed groups attack new parts of the city.

Conflict—often occurring in residential zones—has deeply affected the community and has seriously disrupted the health care system, which is struggling to remain functional.


severely burned patients were admitted at Tabarre Hospital in March and April of this year, half of whom were children.

The ongoing need for comprehensive support in this crisis-stricken city becomes more urgent every day.

Amid this challenging environment, MSF continues to play a crucial role in the community, offering urgent care to those impacted by the violence.

That work is made possible by our global movement of supporters, who fund our work and allow us to stay as long as we’re needed.